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Women’s Resource Center
23,000 sq.ft
North End Women’s Center
Prairie Architects, Winnipeg
SMS Engineering
M Builds, Winnipeg
ECO Matrix allows for setting up multiple baselines for results comparison to compare results with different benchmark indices. Following baselines were set for the project for result comparison.
ASHRAE 90.1 2010 – To see possibility of LEED points which could be achieved
MECB 2013 (Manitoba Energy Code of Buildings) – MECB 2013 is currently enforced for all Part 3 buildings in Manitoba
Custom Baseline – Based on RFP (Request for Proposal) document which already had predefined variables to be used as a starting point
ECO Matrix provided the specialized insight that allowed for identifying the unique design solutions, from multitude of design options available the ‘North End Women’s Center’ project, that minimized the cost impact of achieving its energy performance target.
All the design variables were looked holistically and in isolation to see their collective and isolated impact on energy and cost. Payback analysis was run on all suitable variables to select or discard any variable as shown below
Above analysis helped find the point of diminishing returns and select the most optimum variables based on cost benefit analysis performed.
The most optimum design option utilizing all the design variables except HVAC systems was filtered to compare energy and cost of different HVAC options as below. The analysis was performed against ASHRAE, NECB and Custom Baseline. Below image shows comparison for custom baseline.
Cost Optimization performed for HVAC systems helped uncover the least cost premium to achieve maximum energy savings. When HVAC systems were compared with ‘custom baseline’ (built based on RFP – an already efficient design option), it was seen that there was potential to further save energy and optimize on cost.
Through above analysis, it was observed that ASHP and WSHP systems further saved ~ $54,113 and $13,987 to achieve 9% and 3% energy savings over already efficient custom baseline option.
Finalization of different variables was not simply done based on their energy efficiency or cost savings potential, but also based on practical operational and maintenance aspects of design. This led to selection of ‘Water to air heat pump’ system being the most suitable system for the building, due to the reasons indicated in the below table.